Thursday, June 17, 2010

Eight years for HIV-Mann

Würzburg - now he is behind bars! In the trial of a 41-year-old HIV-Infiziertenhat the Würzburg district court on Wednesday because of heavy sexuellenMissbrauchs of a child and attempted dangerous Körperverletzungeine sentence of imprisonment of eight years.
 The court found alser showed that the accused had, in August 2004 despite jährigenSchülerin seinerHIV infection unprotected sex with a 13.
 A rape of the girl he could be nichtnachgewiesen.
The accused had admitted, with three young women have geschlafenzu, zuinformieren without them about his infection with the AIDS virus.
And not for the first time: the sentence was included in a sentence of five Jahrenund six months in prison from 2007.
At that time the district court Mannvom Würzburg had been convicted of unprotected sexual intercourse mitsechs women. He already sits inHaft in four years.