Friday, June 11, 2010

"She managed to cling to anything."

Moroni - It is a miracle: Bahiya Bakari (14), survived the crash probably the only one of the Airbus A-310 off the African coast.
The horror for the little girl almost two days, they drifted in the storm-tossed Indian Ocean off the Comoros Islands. Around them: dead bodies. Bakari Bahia - her name means hope, happiness. This is now also for the lives of young Halbfranzösin with Comorian roots.
Because instead of back in a zinc coffin to be sent to France she is now in a hospital in the island capital of Moroni. Injuries? As good as any. At least outwardly. A blue sheet covered her body.
Not quite. We can see their arms, one is connected to her face. Her eyes - staring, quite dull, absent. Cables and Hoses weave through her bed, Bahiya gets an infusion at a blinking monitor their vital functions monitored. Shortly before she can talk with her father in Paris Kassim. Told him what terrible has happened to her.
"Dad, we have fallen into the water ... I've heard people who talk. I've seen but niemaden. Around me it was so dark ... "Has she heard her mother? Aziza Bakari was on board the A-310 pilot death of Yemen Airlines (152 inmates. Whether she's still alive? Probably not, say the Suchmanschaften. The plane was burning, as it attempted to ditch, say eyewitnesses.
The impact, the raging sea, the sharks. Little chance. Unlike small as the Bahia. The operation of a piece of debris almost 24 hours clinging in the sea. "You can not really as good as sachwimmen," says her father, a French TV station. But it was enough.
Exhausted, hypothermic traumatized, and was near fainting, they finally pulled from the water. Around them danced yellow jackets - they were hanging in the dead. The cause of the crash is still unclear. One of the two flight recorders will now have been found.